Register Your Trademark!

Professional service with over 20 years of experience

Work with an experienced U.S. trademark attorney and increase the likelihood of your application approval.
We make it easy for you to file a trademark with USPTO. It takes about 5 minutes to apply. Get started today.


Attorney Flat Rate


+ federal filing fee*
  • Let an experienced trademark attorney handle your entire application process for a flat fee. Package includes:
  • Attorney Reviews Your Application
    Work with an experienced trademark attorney to review your application and search report.
  • Attorney Files Your Application with USPTO
    Trademark attorney will prepare and file your U.S. federal trademark application.
  • In-depth Federal Trademark Search
    Our full search service will analyze your trademark for similar sounding words, plurals, misspellings, wildcards, translation, and other variables.
  • Phone Consultation with Attorney
    Get a phone consultation with your attorney to go over the search report and filing before the application is filed.


Attorney Flat Rate


+ federal filing fee*
  • Everything from standard package, plus:
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search
    Full search of federal, state and common-law trademark databases.
  • State Trademark Search from All 50 States
    Searching trademark databases from all 50 states for pending and registered state trademarks.
  • Common-Law Search
    Searching of active trademarks from Common Law sources including business name search from all 50 Secretary of States.
  • Cease and Desist Letter
    Legal document if you need to take action against potential infringers to stop using your trademark.
  • Transfer and Assignment Letter
    Documents you can use in the future for changing ownership of your trademark to another party.

ATTORNEY ADVERTISEMENT: This portion of the TrademarkPlus website is an advertisement for legal services. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. TrademarkPlus does not endorse or recommend any lawyer or law firm who advertises on our site. Any transmission and receipt of the information contained on this site does not create attorney-client relationship and may be provided to attorneys for the purpose of determining your needs for legal service. Any agreement made by you and your attorney is strictly between you and the attorney.

* The USPTO filing fee is $350 for each class of goods or services in the application.